Saturday, May 2, 2020


When I was in school I found 200 reasons to distract myself every time I decided to study. Especially when I needed to do it the most.

Sometimes, when your mind is not in the mood, it may be difficult to find the right moment or motivation to sit down to study for that difficult exam, or to advance in that final project that has you worried but still you cannot finish.

That is why I wrote this post with some tips that help me move forward in my activities and complete all those earrings that do not allow me to be calm.

Among other things I use this list when I feel lost:

1. The first step is to organize your tasks.
Make a list of all the activities you want to complete and order them from highest to lowest priority. You will notice that many of the tasks you must do will not take more than 5 minutes. You can start by doing some of those tasks. So, at the end you will feel that you can complete something bigger.

2. Dedicate yourself to one thing at a time(Avoid multi-tasking).
Many times we want to do so many things at the same time that we feel that we are not advancing in any and we start to get frustrated. Something simple but effective is to dedicate ourselves exclusively to one task until completing it, and then move on to the next one. You will see how the list decreases faster than trying to do several things at once.

3. Music
Doing our chores in silence helps, but I am a faithful believer that if your mind is listening to music of your liking with a moderate volume, it can think faster and motivate you to finish that task that you have started. It is about making that situation that requires attention and creativity a little more pleasant. A good playlist can help you complete tasks in less time.

4. Order
Working in an orderly place will always be of great help when studying or completing a task. If your desk is messed up it will be difficult for you to concentrate if you have to move food dishes or suction cups to accommodate your book or computer. I know we have all been through this situation, but definitely my advice is that before studying, you order the place where you will. Think that it is your temple of learning and that you will learn more and better by working orderly.

5. Find your learning method.
We all have ways of learning in which we feel more comfortable. Reading, watching videos, attending classes with more students, or simply listening to a podcast can be very useful tools when learning, but you must be aware that each person is different and therefore can have different results than you do find the proper way to study. You must try several methods and find yours. This does not limit that you can have several but you should definitely focus on those that most potentiate your learning.

6. Work on improving your mind.
Many people have the false concept that their ability to remember things is limited and that they cannot do anything about it. There are many exercises or games you can do to increase your mind by a few gigabytes and remember important information such as phone numbers, data, characters or even formulas that will come in your next exam. You can rely on Mnemonics that will help you remember information.

7. Finally, finish that damn task!
You need to give an extra if you want that task to be completed before the due date. To finish a career or a course, you must strive to the degree that you probably spend sleepless nights. In my case I was 3 days in which I only slept 4 hours a day to be able to finish my final project. I arrived at the presentation without having slept practically anything and with difficulty keeping awake, but once the engineers saw the project and approved me, it was one of the greatest satisfactions I could have had. The following days were of recovery and it was totally worth it. If you take responsibility for your work, you will see that you can please it at any cost.

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With no excuses!

Friday, May 1, 2020

This is HOW BILL GATES THINKS 💻, according to his BEST QUOTES and ideas💰.

Recently I was reading about one of the richest mans of the world, and one of who we may learn a lot.

I'm talking about Bill Gates.

Since I was a child, I found technology as something pretty amazing. It's a world that everybody must know at least at its basics.

I think B. G. is one of the most important people in the technology environment. Without his work and ideas the world may not have technological advantages that have now.

That's why I decided to write a little bit about some of his most interesting ideas and quotes, to share part of his knowledge with you.

This is a list of 10 topics with his best quotes and ideas, take a sit at your favorite place and enjoy:

1. Addiction to technology.
- For me, it's better if a guy is addicted to his personal computer than if he is to T.V. At least his mind is taking decisions (1986).

2. About Apple (His competitor).
- To create a new standard, it is required something which is not only a bit different; it needs to be something really new and that gets people attention. The Macintosh is the only computer that have all this requisites (1984).

3. The clients in business.
- Your most unhappy clients, are the most important source of learning (1999).

- Something that is rarely commented, is that the software business sells much more to other businesses than to consumers (2008).

4. Capitalism
- People underestimate how effective capitalism is in keeping even the most successful companies on the brink (2001).

- Capitalism is great and it causes thousands of things to take place in parallel. And many of these fail. Some are just mediocre. But the special ones can grow and, you know, surprise everyone (2009).

5. Childhood.
- I tried to be normal as much as I could (1992).

- I actually had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think it was because I had the opportunity to read a lot (2008).

6. China.
-About three million computers are sold in China a year, but people don't pay for the software. Someday they will. And if they plan to steal it, we want them to steal ours. Let's say that somehow they will become addicted to it and we will already manage to collect what corresponds to us in the next decade (1998).

- It is exciting to witness what is happening in China. It is excellent for us. If we could choose between making all the Chinese as wealthy as we are or being as poor as they were in 1979, we would certainly choose to make them consumers and inventors, as we are. They are very far from it but they constitute a population large enough to incubate large things inside (2009).

7. University education
- I am concerned to hear that there are young people who do not want to go to university due to the fact that I did not graduate. Let's be clear: I got a very good education even though I didn't stay long enough to graduate. Plus, every year, making college education as important today as high school was once (1996).

8. Computers vs People.
- Computers are wonderful because when you work with them, you get immediate results that allows you to know whether your program works or not. It's a feedback you don't get from many other things (1995).

9. Leave Harvard.
- We realized that things were starting to happen, and the simple fact of having had a vision of where this chip should go and what it could mean, did not imply that the industry would wait for me until I finished my studies at Harvard (1996).

10. The old times. 
- We weren't even governed by the 24-hour clock: Four or five of us came and programmed for two days in a row. When it was time to eat, we got in our cars, ran to a restaurant and sat down to talk about what we were doing. Sometimes I get excited talking about things and forget to eat. Then we would go back and code more. It was about something between friends, those were fun days (1996).

- For us, life consisted of working and perhaps going to the cinema to return to work a little more. Sometimes clients came and we were so tired that we fell asleep in front of them. Or I would lie on the floor in an internal meeting, I like to do that during brainstorming. And then I fell asleep (1995).

-We made contests to see who can stay at build three or four days in a row. Some sensible people told us: "Go home and take a shower" (1999).

- I was responsible for making things move. I was the guy who said, "Let's call the real world and try to sell it something" (1992).


Leave a comment if you would like me to write about an specific topic or character.

Thanks for reading, I hope you like the post. Share it with your friends.

Monday, April 27, 2020


Most people think first about expressing their interests and then about finding a suitable audience.

To achieve success it is necessary to do the opposite and first make a study on the interests of the desired public. With this we can define which path to take.

You must review the trends and demands of the public. Once you have full knowledge of the demand, you can create the irresistible offer for them.

As you embark on your path to success, you must not fear criticism. Criticism is so important that without it, it is not possible to have that exponential growth that helps us achieve it.

You must maintain as much contact with your environment as possible, to the point that you feel what is happening around you as if it happened to you.

This is the way to have control over the situation and avoid being surprised by circumstances that shouldn't cause you problems.

Knowing perfectly the environment in which you operate will make you have an advantage over your opponents to be the winner in any of the topics that you develop.

Becoming an expert, as you may have imagined, is not an easy task. Great teachers in any discipline take years to achieve that status and even having achieved it they never stop learning.

Your goal must always be to know more than others and to be able to share it with whoever is really interested in learning, regardless of whether this person can be a rival, if someone learns from you, will begin to see you as its teacher and therefore will respect you.

You should not be afraid to teach what you know, knowledge must be transmitted through the generations. It is useless for you to take all your years of experience without having shared them with others.

I will be sharing this type of blog post and I would love to hear your comments or questions, in order to improve. They are usually short posts that you can read in less than 5 minutes, but that will help you change your mood and get psyched to achieve your goals.

If you share the blog on your social networks and subscribe, you help me to continue creating content for you and more people.

I hope it was to your liking. With no excuses!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Wealth and poverty

Just because we have been conditioned to think like poor does not mean that we cannot change and improve.

Wealth and poverty are variable and subjective.

A person who considers himself rich in one country may consider himself average (or even poor) in another.

You see it in cars, for example.

In Europe there are many more Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audis and exotics than in Latin America.

And in Latin America those cars are luxury, but there they are much more abundant.

It is not that there is no poverty in Europe, but they do live by other standards.

In fact, it is not the same to be poor anywhere in the world.

Yourself have surely seen it on television programs.

Poverty in the first world is not the same as poverty in the third world.

But we are not going to delve into that topic today.

Although we should definitely fight to eliminate poverty, today I am talking about something very simple.


As I told you above: Wealth and poverty are variable and subjective.

But ... there must be something that, regardless of the country, makes us poorer or richer.

Do you already have an idea of ​​where I'm going?

Think ...

What is the most valuable?

Money is valuable, that is too obvious.

But what else?

Resources are valuable. Wood, glass, silicon, steel, lithium, gold, platinum, etc ...

Water is valuable.

Oxygen is valuable ...

But there is only one thing that we have irrevocably strictly told.

Something that, no matter what we do, can never come back to us.

And sadly, it's something we're constantly missing.

I am talking about time.

The most valuable resource of all.

More than money, goods, oxygen, water, etc.

Not that they are worth little, but of those you can have more.

And health is also immeasurably valuable, but it is not a resource.

In addition, you have an influence on your health.

But not about time.


Time, whatever you do, is always getting out of hand.

It is truly shocking if you stop to think about it.

Above all, because we live ignoring this tremendous fact.

We continue to live under the old conditioning ...

We do not give time the importance it deserves.

We are too submerged in searching for belongings, social validation, immediate gratification ...

... objects and objects and more objects believing that they can make us happy.

But the wealth we were talking about in the beginning is no longer the same today.

Little by little. Very slowly we have begun to realize this.

And new wealth is no longer measured in money or possessions.

It is measured in the free time you have to do what you like the most.

After read this post, I hope you start to value the time you have, and start working to accomplish your dreams With No Excuses

Friday, April 17, 2020

10 MOTIVATIONAL PHRASES 💪 to BEGIN YOUR DAY with ENERGY and avoid excuses.

 1. If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary.
-Jim Rohn
2. With love and patience, nothing is impossible.
3. Don't count the days, make the days count.
4. A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.
-John Lubbock.
5. If you have everything under control, you’re not moving fast enough.
6. Try it again. Fail again. Fail better.
-Popular phrase
7. Well done is better than well said.
-Benjamin Franklin
8. It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light
9. If there is no struggle, there is no progress
-Frederick Douglass
10. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony
-Mahatma Gandhi.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Did you have a HARD WEEK? WATCH THIS POWERFUL video! 💪

Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up. The world’s greatest have failed more than you’ve tried.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Powerful motivational quotes ✔ for year 2020 in English with images.

In this post I will show you some of the motivational quotes I've heard or read recently that made me feel an strange energy within myself, this made me accomplish all my goals and face my problems with no excuses.

1. "Training must be so hard, that the war seems like a break." -A great Army quote

2. "Non ducor, duco." -I am not led, I lead. - Popular Latin quote

3."It's not about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward" -Rocky Balboa.

4."Whether You Think You Can Or Think You Can’t, You’re Right."-Henry Ford.

5."The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing." -Walt Disney

6. "Acta non verba."- Deeds, not words. -Popular Latin quote.

7."What You Lack In Talent Can Be Made Up With Desire, Hustle And Giving 110% All The Time."-Don Zimmer.

8."We Generate Fears While We Sit. We Overcome Them By Action."-Dr. Henry Link.

9."Knowing Is Not Enough; We Must Apply. Wishing Is Not Enough; We Must Do."-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

10."The Future Belongs To The Competent. Get Good, Get Better, Be The Best!"-Brian Tracy.

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